Why do we blame comics for societal failure? Why do we turn to them to blame when things in our world aren't right? The reason people blame comics is because they are easy targets to put blame on. While comics were read and enjoyed by many, they were also the representation of the "bad stuff" in society. Therefore, when things went bad, people said comics were the reason for it. From war to sex to drugs to violence, everything in theory could be blamed on comics. When a young kid or teenager did something wrong, comics always took some of the blame because they were supposedly influencing kids into thinking bad stuff was okay. Our society was and still is very influential, and when a controversial thing like comics are all over the market, they are a very easy thing to blame for corrupting the youth, or anyone for that matter. Although comics are often blamed, I think that it is societies' overreaction, not the comic books, that are to blame.
Ohhh my goodness... When I decided on trying to analyze the mythological origins and references in superhero comics, I had no idea the can of worms I was opening up... On the one hand, it was awesome to see just how many connections there were between superheroes and psychology/mythology/philosophy, but all the information also made it terribly difficult to distinguish what I should be using and how to tie it all together. When I was talking to one of my sorority sisters about it she said, "Oh yeah, well, research essays are kind of like putting together puzzles..." and I think that really sums up what writing this paper was like for me. Fortunately, I was really interested throughout the whole process and I very much enjoyed writing the paper. Being a psychology major, I was especially interested in reading about the Jungian archetypes that had a lot of parallels with major modern comic books superheroes. I was also able to incorporate Joseph Campbell's "hero cycle...