The future of the superhero is very hard to tell, but I believe that the superhero archetype will remain prominent in the media and in our culture. Right now superheroes in the movies is a prominent genre. There has been a constant creation of superhero movies with characters that have been revamped to attract audiences in the modern era. Marvel and DC have been using old comic book characters and bringing them to a wider audience that might not have read the comics. Now more people are familiar with characters like Green Lantern and Thor than in previous decades. I believe that the future of the superhero in movies will remain prominent. It looks like superheroes in movies will continue into the near future just as long as audiences stay interested, which I believe they will. Although it is hard to say whether superheroes in all mediums from comics to movies will remain significant in our society. Part of what has changed the prominence of superheroes in our society has to do with the transformation of society in America. This is seen by studying different decades. For example prior to the eighties and late seventies, there did not exist the cinematic superhero in the form of movies. Most of this was owing to the fact that America was going through troubled times, such as the Cold War and Vietnam. When Reagan became president, society began to change and prosper. It was this change and transformation that brought about the creation of superheroes in movies, straying away from the campy television shows of the sixties. Therefore, it is hard to tell what the future will be for the superhero or whether society will remain interested.
In the modern post-9/11 society, the superhero became prominent because 9/11 was a time when society honored heroes, thereby, making superheroes significant in all mediums from television to movies. If society still regards heroes to a high standard in the future, there is a possibility that the superhero genre will remain prominent. In reality, right now it is a business that is making money, which is not only valuable to distributers like Marvel and DC, but it is valuable for the character because the character alive in society. The list of superheroes in comic books will not run out anytime soon. Even the superhero archetype will remain relevant for some time. Since comics have been around since the early twenty-first century, along with superheroes, it is safe to say that the future for the superhero looks positive for now. It would be very hard to get rid of something that has been embedded in our culture for many decades.