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This comic is unlike anything I have ever read, it is twisted, vulgar, complicated and if it were a movie, it would definitely be rated R.  This comic book was definitely not created for children readers as it contains repetitive mentions of rape, cursing, alcohol and violent murders of people and animals.  I was shocked when i first began reading this comic book, that it portrays it's superhero's as sometimes bad.  The comedian tried to Rape Sally Jupiter and actually shot a woman who was pregnant with his child.  This man however is being referred to a superhero?  This would never be someone I would give that honorable title to, and honestly I think he was a pig and am glad he was pushed out a window.  His character was however not the only one who was deeply troubled and insanely violent, as Roschach is very comparable.  Roschach murdered a man's guard dogs for no reason, he grossly cut their heads in half and then murdered the owner by burning him to death.  Reading about these incidents and ones similar to them have made my stomach curl, this comic book is much more vulgar than I had expected; now knowing what to expect I am prepared to keep reading and cannot wait to see what happens.


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Why blame comics for societal failure?

Why blame comics for societal failure? Society blamed comics for the societal failures because it was a fairly new industry, and as things seemed to go “wrong” they figured it must be comic books. When a child grew up during the war, his father was probably killing people and the military and his mother was probably making things in factories to help kill the opposition. The only things kids had to “babysit” them was comic books, and they read many different kinds. So when kids starting acting differently in this new generation the figured it must be the comic books. Society didn’t want to believe it may have been the internal and external scars war causes on the soldiers and their families. Also the fact that young unattended children are reading these comics may not be able to differentiate between fantasy and reality. When society fails it always needs a scapegoat then it was comic books next it was rock and roll. Society naturally resist change.