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Comics and Final Photo Essay

When trying to figure out what to do for the photo essay I found that there are many important topics that are associated with comics and our society today. International, as well as American, culture is well reflected in comic books. Comic books reveal the fears and tensions that exist throughout the world. As I thought about this, the topic of atomic weapons and fear of their use is what I began to focus on. My photo essay discussed the fear of atomic power that existed during the Cold War , present day, and in the future. I had pictures that represented international struggle to plead with those individuals responsible for the use of nuclear power. They pleaded for these individuals to halt their usage of atomic power because of the impending death that the world would face if they went through with their plans. These men continue with the experimentation with atomic power and destroy the world. The world has fallen because of an accident and billions have died. There is hope thou. There are survivors who are able to carry on and these people know the costs of this atomic power. This essay is designed to invoke fear of the future when it comes to bad extremists who may get their hands on dangerous immeasurable atomic power. We do not know what the future may hold and there may eventually be some massive destructive outcome put forth by some evil men but the last panel represents signs of hope for a brighter future. We may have fallen but mankind will learn from this disaster and rise again.


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