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Dr. Manhattan

First off i'd like to start off by saying Dr. Manhattan is an awesome character.  Personally I would hate to be him because he never ages, and therefore I would assume can live forever.  Due to this factor, he has lost both woman he loves and is lonely.  As if that was not bad enough, there is the theory that whoever he is intimate with or around for long periods of time will contract cancer.  Hearing this he disappeared to Arizona and the escapes to Mars.  I feel so sorry for him, he is so lonely, and has no one to turn to or anyone that understands him because he is the only one like him.  Not only is he blue, which is bad enough, he actually cannot connect to anyone emotionally.  One of my psychologist says one of our basic needs is the need for socialization, but considering that no one truly understands him, this is almost just as bad.  Th
On a different note, if they know how he became this ultimate powerful person, why would the government not take lost soles or people who want to give their lives to our country and create an army of these Godlike beings?


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