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Rorschach is awesome!

This man requires no formal education to know the differences between right and wrong. Rorschach has easily become my favorite character in theWatchmen series. I attribute this to his similarities to DC's Caper Crusader, Batman. Both men operate best when alone, but are also able to perform well working in teams (such as the Minute Men and the Justice League, respectively). Rorschach and Batman tend to lurk within the dark ally ways and use the element of fear to render their enemies helpless. Plus, it is just plain awesome to see both characters beat up cheap punks and delivering tough guy one liners such as, "One-nothing. Your move." Both Walter and Bruce - their alter ego names - also have psychologically damaging experiences growing up, making them vigilantes for justice.

Nearly all of Rorschach's moves are necessary; that also makes him awesome. Nothing about him wastes time or participates in trivial pursuits. If he is not snapping the fingers of a criminal then he remains low key. I attribute his act-when-necessary way of life to his appeal. Most people (particularly males) wish they, too, could behave to the point where nothing they did was a waste. Theoretically, if you were in a bad situation (burning building, bank robbery, etc.) and every action you made had a positive effect and turn the tide, then this makes you a super heroic figure.


Anonymous said…
Hell Yeah! you said it!

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