It is always hard to tell what the future holds, and the same goes for the super hero. It is possible the super hero could die off and be lost for years and possibly even decades. Right now it does not seem like that is going to happen. Recently there has been a new surge for the super hero, mainly coming from movies. In the past 5 years there have been about a dozen super hero movies that have come out and have had great success, and there are only more to come. At this point in time I think the super hero is at a good place in American society. You see kids all the time wearing super hero T-shirts and backpacks, and although you may not see that as much with teenagers and adults, the fans are there. The new Batman movie that came out in 2010 brought back the almost dead movie character and with a sequel coming out in May of 2012 only good things can come. Although I have only seen the trailer for the new Batman movie I do not expect it to disappoint. There is also another Spider-Man movie coming out right around the same time as the Batman movie. This Spider-Man movie goes back to the beginning and does not follow the same path as the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man. Also another movie that I think should be very promising is The Avengers. This cast includes super heroes like Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor just to name a few. These movies may even be responsible for bringing super heroes more popularity and could even create a greater comic book fan base.
Ohhh my goodness... When I decided on trying to analyze the mythological origins and references in superhero comics, I had no idea the can of worms I was opening up... On the one hand, it was awesome to see just how many connections there were between superheroes and psychology/mythology/philosophy, but all the information also made it terribly difficult to distinguish what I should be using and how to tie it all together. When I was talking to one of my sorority sisters about it she said, "Oh yeah, well, research essays are kind of like putting together puzzles..." and I think that really sums up what writing this paper was like for me. Fortunately, I was really interested throughout the whole process and I very much enjoyed writing the paper. Being a psychology major, I was especially interested in reading about the Jungian archetypes that had a lot of parallels with major modern comic books superheroes. I was also able to incorporate Joseph Campbell's "hero cycle...