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The Death Factor -->Johnny Storm's Demise and the Fantastic Four

Comics - News - Writer explains 'Fantastic Four' death - Digital Spy

Hickman's run on the Fantastic Four has been good, but I'm not sure if "darker" themes is going to make the Fantastic Four into the "go to" Marvel title. In some way, Mr. Fantastic is like Superman. How do you write a story for the smartest man in the universe? He will invent something to fix the problem. The conflict every writer has brought to the Fantastic Four has been about personalities and relationship. Some of those conflict have been about Reed and Sue, which I think Hickman has picked up on in interesting ways. Some of those conflicts have been about family and responsibility. Some have played with the idea of science versus faith. Everyone plays with the idea of personal honor. Dr. Doom's beef with Mr. Fantastic(and the rest of the FF) is about who is better (on top of Doom wanting to rule the world).

If there is an opportunity associate with the death of Johnny Storm, it has more to do with reposition the title in audience's mind more than changing the characters. Johnny's "childlike idealism" has been replaced in the title by the kids for years in my mind. Johnny is more ID empowered than kid. Killing (I use this word loosely) him shocks everyone, but won't the kids, and there naturally optimism take his place?

It will be interesting to see what Hickman does. I'm looking forward to it.


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