Thor: The Dark World is a better film than 2011's Thor.
Many people were not excited by Thor, but Thor: TDW would
not have been possible without the solid foundation created Kenneth Branagh's vision in the first
In many ways, the source of Thor: TDW's superiority rests on the extension to the first film. Characters are more engaging, Asgard and the nine realms given a bigger scope, and key elements of the Marvel Comics print universe Asgard are presented and embellished for fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
This was a great movie going experience. I don't want to spoil anything, but there is a tremendous Captain America: Winter Soldier clip before and an amazing post credit sequence. In many ways, Thor: TDW adds to our understanding of Marvel Studio Phase 2 events and sets up an awesome Thor 3!
In many ways, the source of Thor: TDW's superiority rests on the extension to the first film. Characters are more engaging, Asgard and the nine realms given a bigger scope, and key elements of the Marvel Comics print universe Asgard are presented and embellished for fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
This was a great movie going experience. I don't want to spoil anything, but there is a tremendous Captain America: Winter Soldier clip before and an amazing post credit sequence. In many ways, Thor: TDW adds to our understanding of Marvel Studio Phase 2 events and sets up an awesome Thor 3!