Great tidbits Christian Bale auditions for Batman Begins in Val Kilmer's batsuitfrom the new Nolan Batman trilogy DVD/Bluray collection coming out. Nolan's take on Batman realized the character's iconography could drive the story. Nolan's Batman films became a commentary on the character's relationship to popular culture. These behind the scene elements will be great for those of us thinking about how the filmmakers chose to adopt and detach elements of Batman's long history for these films.
Great tidbits Christian Bale auditions for Batman Begins in Val Kilmer's batsuitfrom the new Nolan Batman trilogy DVD/Bluray collection coming out. Nolan's take on Batman realized the character's iconography could drive the story. Nolan's Batman films became a commentary on the character's relationship to popular culture. These behind the scene elements will be great for those of us thinking about how the filmmakers chose to adopt and detach elements of Batman's long history for these films.