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Photo Essay

I am going to be honest; I did not like doing the photo essay. I feel like we were too restricted with what we were supposed to do. I believe that it is difficult to be creative if we are held back from doing what we really wanted to do – and honestly, I feel like a photo essay is a great opportunity to be creative. I think it would have been interesting if we could have written our own comic, any comic we wanted to create, as long as we integrated some important issues that America faces today. But, either way, this was not our assignment. Although, to be completely honest again, I had a difficult time understanding where the line was between comic book culture and something that has nothing to do with comic books, but it can be seen as comic book culture if you look at it from a different perspective. I would have loved to pick ten very complex and abstract pictures that do not have “comic book culture” written all over them, but rather pictures that indicate a comic book culture “theme”. But then again, I guess I should have asked beforehand, but I wasn’t sure if that was part of the assignment. Or rather, I was scared that if my pictures were too abstract and did not show immediate evidence of comic book culture, that they wouldn’t have been accepted. That is why I extended the topic on my own, and took pictures of things that represent comic book culture to me today, even though they may not mean the same to someone else. So, if in some of my pictures, you may not see the comic book culture, per say, I would hope that you will see the reflection of comic books in our society.


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