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Online Comics

The use of the internet as a tool to discuss and be further exposed to comics is really cool. I really enjoyed the web page “Women in Refrigerators”. They way it opened the topics to creators and let them personally give their opinions and viewpoints on the subject were fascinating. They were also very helpful while I was writing my research paper. Having responses like this available online gives an opportunity to further understand comics that would have never been available otherwise. If someone had taken the initiative to question why there are certain trends in comics or why the creators are portraying a topic in a certain way, before the internet was available, it would have stuck with that one person. The internet however allows for a free flow of information and ideas to become available to the wider public.

It was also rather neat how comics are being made available online. Essentially everyone has access to a computer. Putting comics online furthers their availability for the public and may entice new readers to become more involved and look into actual comics in comic shops. The way comics can be adapted online is also very intriguing and creative. At the website done by Scott McCloud, there are several comics he has created especially to be viewed from a computer screen. Some, such as the chess themed comic book are really creative, and couldn’t possibly have been done in an imprint style without losing something in the process.

Having the comics available online also allow them to be archived. When all the previous issues are available, it is much easier for a person to start reading the comic with out the fear of being lost or like they are missing crucial details. Of course, the problem with comics online is that issues originally in print when archived are difficult to read and see the whole page. Also, when available online, how are the creators being compensated? Are they just posting because they enjoy the creative processes? The benefit of course is that the internet is an easy medium for new creators to expose their work to the public and become better known.


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