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My photo essay

When I heard that we'd be doing a photo essay for this class, I was a little confused but excited too since I'd never really even heard of a photo essay before and I thought it'd give me a good chance to be creative... It ended up being a lot harder than I thought because my essay actually needed to have a theme rather than being just a random collection of comic-related photos...

I settled on the idea of showcasing the parts of comic culture that are more ambiguous and that kind of stealthily creep into our lives and make us comic fans without even realizing it. Big examples of this are comic book movies, merchandise with cartoon characters on it, and toys that we play with when we're little that are related to comic culture, like action figures and dolls. I also noted the "8th season" of Buffy that became available in comic form, which was a really kind of a blatant way for comics to say, "Hey, here I am, I'm important!" to a group of people who may have never picked up a comic before in their life. Even after I settled on a general idea, it was still pretty hard to show the links between all of the photos. However, I think that I was able to adequately convey the fact that comic culture has grown and branched out into a lot of different places ways that we, the general public, may not even have noticed.


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